Blast from the Past: Mack's 1985 trip to Sturgis with George. "We had no support vehicles, no credit cards, and no cell phones. That pack on the back of my bike was all I had for a week. In the words of David Allen Coe - I was feelin so free."
Keith Knee, 1995
Lake Chapter Run
Lake Chapter, Gopher Campground, 1996 State Rally
Colleen 2004 State Rally Bike games.
Blast from the Past: Suz & Frenchie on a Lake Chapter Run.
Smoker at Biker Day at the Capital, 2005
Flashback 2008! Batman, with his wenches, receives certificate of appreciation.
Lenny Angemeiert.
Some Lake members, 2001 selfies!! Before selfies were selfies.